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Doctor Hanān Munīb, first representative of the Ministry of Culture for foreign cultural relations is attending the Third International Forum for Cultural Dialogue currently being held in Baku, capital of Azerbaijan. She gave a talk titled, “Culture and Continuing Development in the Development...
An Azerbaijani news paper reprinted the offensive Danish cartoons against the Prophet Muhammad attached to an article. The author of the article and the editor-in-chief of the newspaper were consequently jailed.
The foreign ministries of Islamic states expressed their deep concern about the status quo of Muslim communities living in non-Muslim countries who suffer from poverty, religious discrimination, political and social marginalization and difficult economic circumstances.
Ibrahim Hussein Abdel-Hadi Eidarous, 42, and Adel Abdel-Meguid Abdel-Bari, 39, were both arrested in London Sunday [July 11, 1999] on US extradition warrants alleging they had conspired with Saudi Arabian dissident Osama Bin Laden to murder US citizens. Bin Laden is the alleged mastermind behind...
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