Displaying 1 - 4 of 4.
Ralph Donald Berenger was born in 1945 in North Dakota, U.S. Ralph Berenger has more than four decades of experience in public relations, print and broadcast media. From 1976-92, he was owner and publisher of three newspapers in Idaho, and general manager of a daily newspaper, one monthly and two...
The author mentions that the Coptic Church focuses on enhancing its position abroad but at the same time neglects the basic requirements of its congregations in Egypt.
Their Graces Bishops Aghathoun and Yousuf from the Monastery of Anbā Boula Awwal al-Sawwāh [The Monastery of St. Paul the First Hermit] are to be ordained as bishops in Brazil and Bolivia. The ordination, the author says, highlights the significant role Pope Shenouda III plays in serving...
The article is about the expansion of the Coptic Orthodox Church outside Egypt during the papacy of Pope Shenouda III.
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