Date of source: Tuesday, November 2, 2010
In this final installment of a three part series on the life of Nasr Hāmid Abū Zayd, Professor Stefan Wild of Bonn University paints a picture of the life and work of the late Egyptian scholar....
Date of source: Tuesday, November 16, 2004
The murder of 47-year-old Dutch director Theo Van Gogh in Amsterdam by Muhammad Bouyeri, a young Muslim of Moroccan descent, sparked a wave of violence and tensions against Muslims.
Date of source: Sunday, September 17, 2006
The fifth anniversary of 9/11 was a strong reminder of the continued war declared by Islamism against the world, and especially the “infidel West.” This article approaches some of the many questions that that have been raised by the war.
Date of source: Wednesday, August 30, 2006
A Jew who converted to Islam and now lives in a cheap Cairo hotel
tells his story. He grew up in
Morocco, where his father was an advisor to King Muhammad V. He discusses his
emigration to Israel and the
mistreatment he received from Ashkenazi Jews.
Date of source: Tuesday, July 15, 2003
The author interviewed Karam Zuhdi, the head of the Gama´a Al-Islamiya, in the Aqrab prison, about the Egyptian Gama´a Al-Islamiya. They spoke about recent changes in the opinions of the Gama´a, its attitudes concerning the police, army and state. Zuhdi was asked about the group...
Date of source: Friday, June 20, 2003
Egyptian fundamentalist Abu Hamza Al-Masri attacked the leaders of the Egyptian Gama’a Al-Islamiya in a long statement because of their stand against the Qa’ida network and the attacks in Riyadh and Casablanca.
Date of source: Monday, June 23, 2003
The author explains that there is a difference between true Islam and violent Islam adopted by members of the Qa´ida and other Islamic groups. He writes that Muslims should stand against this violent Islam.
Date of source: Wednesday, May 28, 2003
A Moroccan fundamentalist movement, Al-Tawhid Wa Al-Islah [Unity and Reformation], condemned defaming peaceful Islamic organizations. It issued a statement stressing that the terrorist attacks of Casablanca show the importance of following moderation and rejecting violence.
Date of source: Friday, May 30, 2003
The Islamic Research Institute condemned the attacks in Riyadh and Casablanca, stressing that such attacks violate the rules of the Islamic Shari’a.
Date of source: Saturday, May 31, 2003 to Friday, June 6, 2003
The article discusses the phenomenon of sellers around mosques as one of the channels that promote terrorism. The deputy of the Ministry of Endowments comments on this phenomenon and how the ministry and the police should co