Displaying 11 - 20 of 22.
In his three articles, ‘Abd al-Khāliq stresses the anti-Islamic strategy of the United States and highlights the role of the American Democratic Party to mend the deformed picture of the U.S. in its two sided foreign strategy.
If Irving was tried and condemned for his viewpoints who would try our intellectuals, officials and clergymen who individually or collectively deny the human massacres which occurred in the Arab region such as Darfur in Sudan, Halabjah and al-Dijīl in Iraq.
This article concerns a recent interview with former U.N. Secretary General Dr. Butrus Ghāli. The interview gives an indication of Mr. Ghāli’s viewpoints on the hottest issues facing the international community.
Condoleezza Rice’s tour to the Middle East region reveals the new American formula of “moderation versus extremism.”
The fifth anniversary of 9/11 was a strong reminder of the continued war declared by Islamism against the world, and especially the “infidel West.” This article approaches some of the many questions that that have been raised by the war.
The author slams Arab officials’ position regarding the region’s critical issues, asserting that those who are responsible for working for the good of Arabs are working for themselves only.
Some American newspapers are relentlessly waging an attack on Egypt for no reason. The Washington Post is one of the loudest voices criticizing the Egyptian government.
U.S. expenditure in 2005, ratified by the Congress few days ago, devoted $19.8 billion for “external operations” with a major portion for winning the hearts and minds of Muslims and Arabs all over the world.
The international Catholic organization of Caritas launched a [missionary] campaign in Darfour targeting 125,000 Muslims. Caritas also announced that it plans to send new volunteers to work in Darfour with two hundred Catholic missionaries. • See arts. arts. 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39...
The Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) warned against the exploitation of peoples’ calamities. This has been practiced by the international preaching missions, especially the American missions that have started to take advantage of wars and human tragedies. Preaching expeditions are not...


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