Displaying 151 - 160 of 212.
Shaykh Ibrāhīm Ridā, īmām and an orator in the Ministry of Religious Endowments stressed in an interview the importance of building a clear understanding of Islam in the West
The article is an overview of an article published in the Time magazine about Christianity and faith in Europe under the title: ‘Has God died in the hearts of people?”
The European Observatory of Racist Phenomenon stated that Muslims living in the European Union have faced mounting attacks since the events of September 11. It pointed out that the crisis in the Middle East had caused a wave of anti-Semitism. The observatory detailed the attacks on Muslims in the...
Taking the reaction of the Muslims to the Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad as an example, the author of the article states the reasons he believes that the Islamic nation lags behind the West and is looked down upon.
This press review tackles the Sunni-Shiite clashes in Iraq, the Egyptian initiative forwarded by top Sunni Muslim scholars in Egypt to bring an end to the violence, and the exchanged assaults on the shrines of both sides.
In response to the offensive cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad, first published by the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten in September 2005, moderate Egyptian preacher, ‘Amr Khālid has revealed an initiative to engage in dialogue with Danish youth and intellectuals in a bid to find common...
The author stresses the need to defend freedoms, particularly freedom of expression, but within a framework of respect for others’ faiths and beliefs.
The author notes that while reactions to the Danish cartoons have gotten out of hand, the main force behind those reactions was not religious, but politically-motivated groups. He calls on Muslimsnot to blame all Westerners for the cartoons, and for Westerners in kind to not blame all Muslims for...
Mona Eltahawy writes against the repression of expression across the Arab world. The author notes that Arab “dictators” oppose the Danish cartoons because they think "freedom of expression” should have limits. The author redirects that call to Arab leaders themselves, arguing that they should have...
The author discusses the two major problems that Egypt has recently faced; the sinking of the Egyptian ferry and the crisis of the Danish cartoons.


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