Displaying 181 - 190 of 212.
A statement by the Danish Christian NGO, Danmission, pointing out that the NGO dissociated itself from Jyllens-Posten’s cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad as far back as November 2005, and calling for dialogue, rather than conflict.
Calls for the expulsion of Danish diplomats from Arab and Muslim countries after Danish cartoonists depict Prophet Muhammad with bombs and weapons.
A brief history of immigration trends in Europe and a discussion of the cultural integration of immigrants.
Muslim organizations respond to the Danish cartoons depicting the Prophet in a way that has been deemed offensive by many Muslim groups.
Report of the Azhar’s response to an attack on the Prophet in the Danish media.
The author argues that Muslim’s in Denmark have failed to integrate into society and he argues that the government is attempting to encourage them to marry Danish nationals.
The author is surprised at the silence of the Azhar after Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten printed 12 cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad that many Muslims considered offensive.
The Danish anti-terrorism act, enacted following the September 11 attacks, has been applied for the first time on a Muslim Moroccan charged with instigating jihād.
Four Muslims, aged between 16 and 20, have been arrested in Denmark on charges of planning suicide attacks in Europe, Dutch police said.
In Denmark, the Prime Minister has defended the right to freedom of speech in relation to cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, the UK clamps down on terrorism, and a German prison celebrates Ramadān.


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