Date of source: Friday, August 31, 2007
The following presents a report on poverty in Egypt, and specifically how this issue is being addressed by the Coptic Orthodox Church in an attempt to alleviate the suffering of Egyptians.
Date of source: Tuesday, December 5, 2006
The article talks
about a seminar on preserving Coptic antiquities. They are
the milestone in ancient Egyptian civilization
and culture.
Date of source: Tuesday, December 2, 2003
A seminar was held at the church of St. Mena in the district of Foum Al-Khaleg, Cairo under the title “The Coptic language and culture…How did they die out and how to revive them?” A debate developed between those who stress that the Coptic language disappeared as a result of the Islamic conquest...
Date of source: Tuesday, October 28, 2003
The author comments on two recent seminars held by the Cultural Committee in the Journalists’ Syndicate and in the Mar Mina Church in Fom Al-Khalig. The two seminars discussed the possibility of reviving the Coptic and the Hieroglyphic languages. The author stressed that such an idea does not mean...
Date of source: Sunday, October 24, 2004
With its wealth of churches, the site known as Misr al-Qadima or Old Cairo is one of the richest regions in Cairo with Coptic monuments. The Coptic Heritage Lovers Society (CHLS) earlier this month held a three-day conference at the Mar Mina Church in Fomm al-Khaleeg, Old Cairo, the second such...
Date of source: Tuesday, January 6, 2004
The article reports about a new discovery at the Monastery of Mari-Mina in Foum Al-Khalej, a district in Cairo, which were found as a result of restoration work. During the restoration of the sanctuary of the Holy Nativity at the church of Mari-Girgis [Saint George] of the monastery four layers of...