Displaying 1 - 10 of 86.
Following a Facebook post, published by a group called ‘Anā Min al-Ḍāhir’ (I am from the district al- Ḍāhir), announced that an agreement was met with the Jewish community in Egypt to tour 3 Jewish synagogues in Cairo and visit the premises from the inside. 
Human Rights Watch asks Egypt to investigate about the incident of beating a Facebook activist.
Drs. Hulsman and Dr. Burslem provide a detailed report on Muslim-Christian relations based on a review of Dr. Hugh Goddard’s book, commenting on a number of issues including Western perceptions, mis-interpretations, and examples of recent incidents involving Muslims and Christians.
The author reviews how the Coptic art of drawing icons represents the fasting period of Lent.
The author interviewed a number of church youth, servants, and priests to discuss the church’s role and restrictions on allowing mixed gender services in churches.
In the article, a bill prohibiting rallies in houses of worship, mosques, churches and synagogues, is being discussed in the Shūrá Council.
The author talks about Ḥārat al-Yahūd [Ally of Jews] in Cairo, referring to a number of lawsuits filed by Jews used to live in Egypt 50 years ago, in which they ask Egyptian Government to pay them 5 billion U.S. dollars as compensations on prosperities they left in Egypt.
Tomorrow, Pope Shenouda III will inaugurate the first church in Cairo’s al-Tjamu‘ al-Khāmis suburb and the baptism facility of St. Bula church in Ard al-Gulf in Heliopolis, although doctors have advised him to take complete rest.
The following is a review of the history of the Jewish existence in Egypt and Jewish synagogues.
A nun, director of a catholic school accuses another nun of the same congregation and other clergymen and laymen of complying to take over the school and its funds to transfer it to Rome.


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