Displaying 561 - 570 of 1448.
The most important aspect of the new picture of the Holocaust is the involvement of Zionist and non-Zionist members of Jewish groups in a strong relation of cooperation with the Nazis. Some examples of this relation are the role played by members of Jewish councils which were under the authority of...
The article is about the ready-made accusation of anti-Semitism and how it aims at creating an atmosphere of fear that brings Israel above accountability. The author mentions examples of well-known personalities who were accused of anti-Semitism and how this accusation affected their future...
European Commissioner Frits Bolkestein directed a number of new accusations to Islam in courtesy of Jews at the time they were commemorating the memory of the German war against Jews [most likely the Holocaust is meant]. Bolkestein claimed that Islam, in its current state, does not meet the...
The Sheikh of the Azhar accused Israeli paper Ma´ariv of attributing false statements to him about martyrdom operations. Ma´ariv claimed that the Sheikh of the Azhar stated to it that the perpetrators of “martyrdom” operations are not martyrs.
The author argues that Arabs should deny the Holocaust as a whole in an attempt to denounce the Zionist allegations about their [Arab] rights in Palestine. At the same time Arabs should face the Zionist monopoly of the role of the victim. The author believes this will help Arabs to manage the Arab-...
The article discusses a study made by prominent American historian Brian Mark Rigg in which he emphasized that 150,000 Jews were fighting with the Nazis. [a Reuters story on the same story can be found on http://www.rense.com/general43/jewserved.htm]
The article discusses how true the opinions of the Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Muhammad regarding Jews are and the significance of Western criticism of these opinions.
Western double standards are exposed. Attacking and defamation against Islam, in which 1.3 billion people over the world believe, has become the objective of many westerner politicians and intellectuals. While any one who approaches the Jews will be accused of being anti-Semitic.
The article reports about the statements the Grand Imam of the Azhar Dr. Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi made to Israeli TV in which he announced that martyrdom operations are haram [unlawful] and that the one who carries them out is committing suicide. The Grand Mufti, along with 38 other Muslim scholars...
The Grand Imam of the Azhar Dr. Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi told Israeli TV that martyrdom operations are haram [unlawful] and that the one who carries them out is committing suicide. The Grand Mufti, along with other 38 Muslim scholars, released a statement to prove the opposite of what the Grand Imam...


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