Displaying 851 - 860 of 1448.
The Bahā’ī faith saw the light of day in Egypt one hundred years ago. With more than 10,000 followers, Bahā’īs are demanding more rights and a place in the Egyptian political domain.
Egyptian thinker Dr. ‘Abd al-Wahhāb al-Masīrī has received 13 death threats for publishing a book on Zionism. Dr. al-Masīrī, who obtained his PhD in the United States, described Zionism as a "movement against history.”
The author discusses the possibility that religious affiliations have become more important than national affiliations and urges Egyptians to steer clear of this path.
The U.S. Administration continues to care and fund a series of suspicious conferences that aim to defame Islam through promoting false concepts and slogans about it under the pretext of ’Islamic reformation.’
The UN General Assembly passed a resolution this week designating January 27 as the annual Holocaust Memorial Day.
The author poses a number of conspiracy theories, raising suspicions about the role of the West in recent events in the Arab world, such as the assassination of Rafīq al-Harirī and the sectarian disturbances in Alexandria.
Israeli official and non-official websites are watching the Arabic and Islamic media to keep the West updated.
A report issued by Dutch intelligence officers in October identified a network of five to 10 Islamists claimed to have attempted to hijack an Israeli El-Al airliner last August.
The Arab world regards the UN’s decision to designate a holocaust remembrance day as racism.
Mixing Islamic jihād with terrorism and fighting goes back centuries before the September 11 attacks.


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