Date of source: Monday, October 25, 2004
It is not an exaggeration to say that the intellectuals of Egypt and the whole Arab World should prepare to go to prison or even their deaths, after the U.S. Congress passed a bill incriminating anyone who attacks Semitism.
- See art. 2: Al-Usbua attacks the High Council for Antiquities for...
Date of source: Saturday, October 16, 2004
Mr. Abdel Rehim Rayhan, Ancient Antiquities Director of Dahab, discovered a plan set by the Zionists to change the Christian pilgrimage track in Sinai. Rayan mentioned that in 1967, some Jewish scholars visited Wadi Hagag, an area on the Christian pilgrimage track in Sinai, and took photographs of...
Date of source: Monday, October 18, 2004
Nazmi Luqa, a Copt, wrote many books, valiantly defending the Prophet Muhammad. His book ‘Muhammad; the Message and the Messenger’ especially was met by a huge outcry from people of both religions, who each saw him as part of some plot against their religion. Both Copts and some Muslims thought...
Date of source: Sunday, October 17, 2004
Dr. Bibawy is the author of sixteen books, a Ph.D. five times over, and going for the sixth. He has been very bold in the face of repeated criticism from Christians who believe he is too much of an advocate for Islam. In this interview Dr. Bibawy answers questions related to Christian-Muslim...
Date of source: Sunday, January 11, 2004
I woke up one morning to find out that I was accused of anti-Semitism, that is to say, accused of being anti-Israel. This happened because I dared to search and write an article titled The Lie about the Burning of the Jews in the Islamic weekly Al-Liwaa Al-Islami. It has been more than two months...
Date of source: Monday, October 11, 2004
Representatives of the Presbyterian Church and members of various Jewish groups in the United States met on September 29 in New York to discuss the decision of the church to boycott Israel and any organization whose annual donations to Israel exceed one million U.S. dollars. The decision, reached...
Date of source: Friday, October 22, 2004
No one answered a very important question: Who carried out the bombings of September 11 that the US used as a pretext for its wars against Iraq and Afghanistan?
The US, who once managed to recruit Arab Afghanis, will be able in a way or the other to penetrate Islamic groups in order to deepen the...
Date of source: Tuesday, October 26, 2004
American reliable sources assert that the U.S. Embassy in Cairo has set certain conditions for those who are seeking American loans. It has to make sure that Egyptian young people seeking loans are not anti-Semites. The same condition will be applied to all American economic development loans for...
Date of source: Sunday, October 3, 2004
Arab Christians are trapped between the hammer of terrorists groups and extremists, and the anvil of fanatic governments that skillfully manipulate the issue of religious radicalism for their own benefit [Editor: what governments does Magdi Khalil refer to?], while reinforcing religious, ethnic and...
Date of source: Friday, September 24, 2004
I practiced my natural right in examining a historical issue that is open to doubt. This issue [the Holocaust] was disproved by the Minister of Information himself when he was the head of the information authority which published in the 1992 an outstanding translation of the well-known book "The...