Displaying 91 - 100 of 230.
The writer criticizes the current conditions of Muslims in the light of a report issued by the “Pew Global Attitudes Project,” an organization under the chairmanship of Madeleen Albright.
The author comments on the image of Islam in the West. He comments on the reasons that made it that negative.
The article is an interview with Abdel Raziq Al-Maqri who represents the Algerian radical opposition movement, which believes in the necessity of accepting others. He comments on the impact of the September 11 attacks on Islamic movements and extremist groups
The author interviewed Karam Zuhdi, the head of the Gama´a Al-Islamiya, in the Aqrab prison, about the Egyptian Gama´a Al-Islamiya. They spoke about recent changes in the opinions of the Gama´a, its attitudes concerning the police, army and state. Zuhdi was asked about the group...
The article is an overview of an article published in the Time magazine about Christianity and faith in Europe under the title: ‘Has God died in the hearts of people?”
A Moroccan fundamentalist movement, Al-Tawhid Wa Al-Islah [Unity and Reformation], condemned defaming peaceful Islamic organizations. It issued a statement stressing that the terrorist attacks of Casablanca show the importance of following moderation and rejecting violence.
The Islamic Research Institute condemned the attacks in Riyadh and Casablanca, stressing that such attacks violate the rules of the Islamic Shari’a.
The article discusses the phenomenon of sellers around mosques as one of the channels that promote terrorism. The deputy of the Ministry of Endowments comments on this phenomenon and how the ministry and the police should co
The author comments on the phenomenon of terrorism and political Islamic groups in Arab countries and how it is handled. He concentrates on Egypt and Algeria. He also comments on the latest attacks in Riyadh and Casablanca.
The article is an interview with Nagah Ibrahim, the debater of the Gama´a Al-Islamiya and one of its prominent leaders, who is currently serving a punishment in prison. He explains the reasons behind the group´s rejection of the attacks of Riyadh and Casablanca and of the strategy of Al-...


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