Displaying 111 - 120 of 230.
The author discusses whether Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Abdel-Wahab, the founder of Wahabism, called for a new school in Islam or simply agreed with the imams of the four main schools. He gives a background on the ideologies of each school to conclude that there is accordance in everything between the...
The author gives a brief background about the position of the church in the Russian society before and after the fall of the Soviet Union and about how Easter is celebrated there. He also reports a statement by the Russian Patriarch concerning the Iraqi crisis. The patriarch warns against playing...
In the recent election of the Islamic Council in France, the Muslim Moroccan community won 16 of the 41 seats of the council. Bu-Bakr, the imam of Paris Mosque and the official representative of Muslims in France, is worried about the Islamic Organizations Union, which is supported by the Egyptian...
Suggestions for what Muslims should do concerning the fact that the West perceives Islam as its enemy because it rejects secularism and Western modernism.
The Dutch Minister of Education banned veiled girls from entering Dutch schools. She said that parents of veiled girls who oppose her decision may enroll their girls in Turkish or Moroccan schools where girls are allowed to put on veils.
Some aspects of the Rabat Conference in Morocco, which was held last June 14-16, are noteworthy. The theme was ‘Fostering Dialogue among Cultures and Civilizations through Concrete and Sustained Initiatives’.
The UNESCO has organized a conference in the Moroccan capital of Rabat on June 14-16, 2005 under the title ‘Enhancing Intercultural Dialogue Based On Tangible Sustainable Initiatives’.
The late US president, Richard Nixon, wrote in his book about the Muslim world that Americans must be careful to draw a line between the conduct of Muslim extremists and the Muslim faith.
Washington has dedicated 300 million dollars to sustain reforms in 13 countries, but this is simply a way to ensure the loyalty of the corrupt consciences. Furthermore, the funding violatesa main principle of the international system, which makes the changing of regimes or governments the...
In the face of the fierce international terrorist attacks, governments have no choice but to take serious security measures.


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