Displaying 151 - 160 of 230.
Deputy Rector of Cairo University, Dr. Hāmid Tāhir, writes about recent terrorist attacks and about the common interests that should bind all people together, regardless of nationality or religion.
A year after the murder of Theo Van Gogh, the Dutch director of the controversial film Submission, German academic, Hans-Peter Raddatz has received a death threat from Islamists.
The Danish anti-terrorism act, enacted following the September 11 attacks, has been applied for the first time on a Muslim Moroccan charged with instigating jihād.
A discussion about Tariq Ramadān, his roots and ideology.
Four Muslims, aged between 16 and 20, have been arrested in Denmark on charges of planning suicide attacks in Europe, Dutch police said.
A large number of continuities can be found in beliefs and traditions in Egypt dating back to Pharaonic times, and to understand Sufism, Jamāl al-Ghitānī argues that one must understand Egypt’s past.
It is now five centuries since Islam left Andalusia and the last king of Granada, Abu ‘Abd Allāh Muhammad Ibn ‘Alī, surrendered power and left the country in return for money.
The number of Muslims living in The Netherlands reached 945.000 on January 1 this year, the Statistics Office said.
Hymn performers have recently tried to develop the spiritual art but they are making a slow progress.
An interview with Dr. Zaghlul al-Najjār on the relationship between science and the Qur’ān. Husām Tammām writes that by the end of the interview, he was convinced that the scientific miracles of the Qur’ān are lies, or at least a knowledge-related scandal.


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