Displaying 181 - 190 of 230.
This file is about the Muslim Brotherhood. It contains a number of articles on the Brotherhood that discuss the future awaiting them, the problems of transforming into a party, changes within the group and other issues.
Last week, the TV channel Sat 7, a Christian missionary satellite channel, received tens of angry messages from Muslim viewers concerning the missionary channel’s program, “Questions in Faith,” that is directed at Muslims. The program discusses sensitive issues in Islamic fiqh [jurisprudence]...
The terrorist attacks that took place in Mizza in Damascus last week are the first to take place in Syria in a long time. These attacks raised many possibilities about who the perpetrators might be. Many analysts have linked the bombings with the situation in Iraq and Palestine and the feelings of...
Dr. Ibrahim has provided positive comments for both sides of this controversial issue. In an article entitled "Reclaiming Democracy ... the Participation of Muslim Brotherhood in Egyptian Political Life," published in El Hayat newspaper on Oct. 7, 2004; Dr. Ibrahim noted that the Muslim Brotherhood...
The news about arresting terrorist suspects all over Europe and the US drew the attention to what is known as the dormant terrorist cells of al-Qā‘ida. Those cells share common impetuses: reestablishing the Islamic Caliphate, the detestation of the US and its policies towards the Arab world and the...
Muhammad Buwayrī, the young Dutch of Moroccan origin and suspect of the murder of the filmmaker Theo Van Gogh, appeared in court for the first time. He said that he had showed up just to clear up the incident regarding his brother being accused of transferring a document from the prison, where...
Some 240 homes in Egypt meet their waterloo on a daily basis as women get their divorce rulings in courts every six minutes while five million women are not aware they are divorced, according to the figures of the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS).
The murderer of the Dutch filmmaker, Theo Van Gogh, was one of four million Dutch who have two nationalities. Gogh was shot dead on an Amsterdam street in a region inhabited by immigrants, foreigners and workmen who came from Morocco after the Second World War on the invitation of the Dutch...
An Arabic newspaper published that the Netherlands had banned Muslims from practicing some sports like shooting for fear of their extremism and terrorist tendencies. The Netherlands, though famous for its tolerance and democracy, is now facing a very different reality.
Dutch MP of Somali origin Ayyān Hirsī cAli appeared in the Dutch parliament headquarters in the Hague on January 18, 2005 for the first time since she left the country aboard a military aircraft on November 10, 2004, just eight days after the assassination in the streets of Amsterdam of Dutch...


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