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Sa‘d al-Dīn Ibrāhīm is a “perambulatory exile.” The international press and political leadership support the cause of Ibrāhīm who is facing eight claims filed against him by influential members of the ruling National Democratic Party in Egypt. More details in the following lines.
The Qur’ān desecration incidents still echo in the U.S. and spark outrage across the Islamic world. The scandal that the American Newsweek Magazine unveiled has made the American hostility towards Islam no secret to anyone.
Students at the University of North Carolina are required to read Michael Seller?s "Approaching the Qur?an: The Early Revelations," for their summer reading program. Some conservative Christian organizations brought an action against the university in an attempt to prevent teaching the book....
The author, Mark Malek, attended a mission trip to Fiji and talks about his experiences with the Coptic community there.
[Al-Ahrar almost certainly took the news from Islam Online. See http://islam-online.net/English/News/2003-12/27/article03.shtml. See this site also for links on this subject] Shrouded in secrecy and under the guise of humanitarian aid, American missionaries, mainly evangelicals, are pouring into...
US police in the state of North Carolina arrested Erick Rudolf. Rudolf is a Christian extremist accused of bombing two abortion clinics, a nightclub for homosexuals and the bombing in Atlanta during the Olympics of 1996. What Rudolf did is an expression of religious extremist movements beginning to...
Shortly after Ali Abul-Saoud Mustafa, a fugitive Egyptian Islamist, was arrested in the United States last month, he was accused by American prosecution authorities of cooperating with Saudi dissident Osama Bin Laden in a worldwide anti-American conspiracy. The Egyptian government had requested...
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