Displaying 1 - 10 of 945.
ʾAbū al-ʿAlā Māḍī was born in 1958 into a religious, Muslim family in Minia, Egypt. In 1996, he became the co-founder of Hizb al-Wasat (Center Party) which simultaneously signaled his break from the Muslim Brotherhood. The establishment of a political party with an Islamic background touches on a...
Dr. ʿAbd al-Wahhāb al-Masīrī was born in 1938 in Damanhūr governorate, Egypt. In 1975 he took up a position as Advisor of Cultural Affairs to the Permanent Delegation of the Arab League to the United Nations in New York, which he held until 1979. However, he was not able to resume his earlier...
The Center released a document which documents more than a hundred cases of verbal assaults on supporters of the Palestinian cause. Most of these verbal assaults called supporters of Palestine terrorists or anti-Semitic. A representative from the Palestine Solidarity Legal Support Network commented...
A group of 64 French intellectuals demanded that there be a distinction made between anti-Semitism and general political criticism. In an open letter signed by the group in a French newspaper, the group claimed that it is the right of the Palestinians to have a state and to be able to achieve their...
Arab-West relations have been one of the most controversial relationships in the international arena for decades.
A friend of mine asked me the other day what I think of this quote from the Economist of June 23:‘The best way to tame the Islamists, as Turkey’s experience shows, is to deny them the moral high ground to which repression elevates them, and condemn them instead to the responsibilities and...
        AWR Chief Editor Cornelis Hulsman critiques a review of Martin Gilbert's In Ishmael's House: A History of Jews in Muslim Lands....
The aim of this study is to show how modern Arabic literature and poetry could help in the effort to understand modern Arab society and its problems. 
The Episcopal Church in 2007: a visit to China, Iran and to Libya where two churches were inaugurated after four centuries of imposed absence due to political reasons.
The Ministry of Endowments presented a draft law prohibiting all forms of demonstrations and political activities in mosques.


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