Displaying 1 - 10 of 34.
 Goodwill Ambassadors from multiple countries arrived in Egypt on an invitation from the association “Lovers of a Peaceful Egypt.” They asked to meet with Prime Minister Ibrāhīm Mahlab to express their love for Egypt and their willingness to help promote a climate of security and tourism in the...
Nirmīn al-Shawādifī wrote on the release of the Azhar’s envoy to The Philippines Shaykh Muhammad al-Sayyid Mūsá, who was charged with plotting a terrorist attack in The Philippines.
A recent report about discrimination in the workplace has stated that Copts in Egypt are victims of discrimination. The Egyptian government refutes the allegations but here the author highlights ten factors that show this discrimination.
‘Ādil Jundī writes his article from the perspective of a Muslim Egyptian, saying that he would work hard to purify his religious heritage by subjecting it to reason and research.
Dr. Ahmad al-Tayyib, the president of the Azhar University, blames the eruption of conflict in many parts of the world and the development of the crusades as holy wars on the Catholic Church’s reading of the Holy Bible.
The new president of the Islamic Society of North America admonishes President Bush for using terms like “Islamic fascists” to describe terrorists responsible for killing Americans. She states that "terrorism, crime or violence" is a proper description for such attacks.
Christian organizations have continued their attacks against Muslims, alleging that the persecution of Copts is the most important human rights issue. This was alleged by an organization called the Patriotic Federation of Missionaries and came at the same time as many false accusations from...
Abdel Haliem Mansi discusses the treatment of non-Muslims in Muslim countries, examining Islam’s respect of the people of the book, Jews, Christians and Muslims. He also presents the example of the way that Nagaashi, the king of Habshaa, dealt with Muslims seeking refuge in his kingdom.
The fifth anniversary of 9/11 was a strong reminder of the continued war declared by Islamism against the world, and especially the “infidel West.” This article approaches some of the many questions that that have been raised by the war.
The author publishes a document written in the form of a message from Hasan al -Bannā, the founder and murshid of the Muslim Brotherhood, in which he called for pan-Arab economic, political and military cooperation and for reaching a fair and durable solution to the Palestinian issue.


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