Date of source: Friday, May 5, 2000
[In week 18 the RNSAW-translators translated ’ashab el-bahr’ in sea algea because it was done this way in the Cairo Times. We checked this and found ’seaweed’ to be the correct translation.]
The author of this article claims that Mohammed Abbas mocks the Qur’an, the Prophetic Sunna, and the divine...
Date of source: Saturday, November 20, 1999
Safwat Al-Bayadi, the head of the Protestant Church in Egypt says that only twenty percent of the members of the Protestant churches in Egypt believe that Christ will come at the end of this year. Dr. Rafiq Habib says that some people in the West use these ideas as a reason for supporting Israel....
Date of source: Sunday, November 14, 1999
Dr. Hamed Abu Zayd said that the most important issue occupying his mind is the crisis of modern religious thought and the problems of the different interpretations of the Qur`an. There have been several versions of the Qur’an but one was left over and other versions of the Qur`an were burned.
Date of source: Monday, August 16, 1999
Many times claims of kidnap and rape are not correct but this story in the Egyptian Gazette proofs that women can be raped. The culprits were caught and one of them was sentenced to death.
Date of source: Sunday, August 1, 1999
Frequently questions are asked about why this accident had to happen. Was it a punishment of God? Was it a terrorist attack directed against Christians? The author ponders a number of answers given by Christians and Muslims in Egypt as well as questions asked and claims made by Coptic organizations...