Displaying 11 - 20 of 56.
The article analyzes the trend of Islamic groupsto fight their way to power under the cloak of religion.
Dr. ‘Imarah discusses how the West fears the spread of the Islamic civilization and therefore wages wars against Islamic fundamentalism and not against terrorism.
Al-Fajr reports about Timothy Garton Ash’s response to Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s attacks on Islam.
A Dutch lawyer representing Muslims in the Netherlands has taken legal actions to stop making part II of the controversial movie ?Submission,” which harshly criticizes, in part I, the position of women in Muslim communities.
The murder of 47-year-old Dutch director Theo Van Gogh in Amsterdam by Muhammad Bouyeri, a young Muslim of Moroccan descent, sparked a wave of violence and tensions against Muslims.  
Two people were arrested following a 14-hour anti-terror operation by Dutch police forces, ending a standoff with suspected Islamic terrorists that lasted all day in the Dutch capital of Amsterdam. Three police officers were wounded during the raid by a grenade hurled by the suspects. Moreover, the...
The article is a review of Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s book entitled, ‘Infidel’ in which she talked about her personal experience as a woman living in an Islamic society.
Hundreds of Somali women responded to the call of the Islamic Courts Union and volunteered to defend their country against the Ethiopian occupation.
Al-Zawāhirī discusses the conflict between Islām and atheism and the current circumstances that the Arab region is experiencing in a new video tape.
The author discusses national unity in the Arab world.


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