Displaying 221 - 230 of 2503.
Egyptians across the country, both Muslim and Christian, are reacting with sadness to the death of Coptic Orthodox Patriarch Shenouda III, who passed away on Saturday at the age of 88 following a long battle with illness, according to state television and cathedral sources. - Ahmed al-Tayeb, the...
Egyptian Christians are mourning the death of Coptic Orthodox Pope and Patriarch Shinūdā III, who passed away on Saturday at the age of 88. Pope Shinūdā (August 3, 1923 - March 17, 2012) was extremely popular among millions of common Christians. A charismatic reformer and an advocate of Christian...
In recent weeks the Muslim Brotherhood has been engaged in public squabbles with the military council over formation of the government. According to most interpretations of the constitutional declaration which guides the transition in Egypt, the presidency – here the military council – has the...
One of the interesting subplots to the Egyptian revolution is the fate of ‘Umar ‘Abd al-Rahmān, known as the Blind Shaykh, who is incarcerated in America for his role in organizing the 1993 attempt to blow up the World Trade Center. His family has maintained a small sit-in protest outside the US...
  This book is written by the well-known Coptic media figure Hānī Labīb. The book was published at a time when the Coptic Church was in greatest need of it. The book entitled “The Egyptian church: Balances between religion and state” contains 500 pages and was published by Dār Nahdit Misr. The book...
The Coptic Orthodox, Evangelical and Catholic Churches as well as the Episcopal Church and the Roman Orthodox Church set a date on March 3, 2012 for a joint ecumenical meeting at the offices of the Middle Eastern Council of Churches to discuss different public and theological issues. The decision...
(Right) now all the political groups in Egypt conform to one main principle, which is to make sure that every part of society is represented in the constituent assembly that will draft the Egyptian constitution. There is no doubt that this principle is credible as long as it is implemented...
On November 25, 2011, Al-Misrī al-Yawm, now called Egypt Independent, was the first publication that reported about Najīb Jubrā’īl’s “NGO report: 93,000 Copts left Egypt since March.”  
Dutch scholar Johannes Jansen contributed an essay – ‘The Religious Roots of Muslim Violence’ – to a 2011 anthology entitled, ‘Terrorism: Ideology, Law, and Policy’. In it he makes the case that violence and terrorism are part and parcel of the Islamic religion, traceable to its root sources at...
[The interview was carried out by Cornelis Hulsman, the transcript was made by Fidel Bartholdy]


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