Displaying 71 - 80 of 95.
Abducted children smuggled from The Netherlands by one of the parents reached nearly 422 in the last four years. 60 of them are found in Egypt, the highest number of any country. Other Arab countries include Morocco and Tunisia (20 children each). Turkey occupies the second slot with 36 children,...
Dr. Sa‘d al-Dīn Ibrāhīm said that he was jailed directly after he had written an article that dealt with the power inheritance phenomenon in Egypt, Syria and Libya and the growing influence of Jamāl Mubārak, the President’s son.
The feminist movement in Egypt, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia and Morocco does not give up requesting women’s rights. The number of national councils, non-governmental organizations and feminist associations is growing.
The World Jewish Congress (WJC) considered the year 2004 as the cruelest in the history of anti-Semitism, pointing out that Muslims were the main reason behind the continued and escalating tone of anti-Semitism worldwide.
News about the arrest of terrorist suspects all over Europe and the U.S. drew the attention to what is known as the dormant terrorist cells of al-Qācida
The Tunisian writer Al-Taher Labib is the manager of the Arab Institution for Translation that has been working actively in Beirut since three years. “It is not an exaggeration if I said that only ten percent of the books translated from Arabic can be accredited. Most of the translations cannot be...
A memorandum submitted to the US Department of State by 30 congressmen stated that the Arab states should be given a six-month grace period during which the Arab states would formulate new constitutions under the banner of reform. According to the Congressional memorandum, Islam should not be...
A total of 330 searches were made on the google search engine, 170 on yahoo, and a few others on less famous search engines, seeking to know whether or not the rumor about Bill Gates’ conversion to Islam was true.
Sacd al-Dīn Ibrāhīm, one of Egypt’s most prominent activists and human rights crusaders, has challenged his country’s leaders for most of his life. He was imprisoned from 2000 to 2003 on charges that were criticized internationally as being politically motivated. Ibrāhīm is writing his memoirs...
The German authorities took decisive measures against hard-line groups active on German territories. Police raids and searches in several German provinces and cities in unison resulted in the arrest of 22 Islamist activists, amongst which were five women.


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