Displaying 761 - 770 of 1234.
Leader of the NSF, Dr. Wahīd ‘Abd al-Majīd revealed that the Front is preparing to form a “People’s Parliament” to challenge the legislative policies for the upcoming parliamentary election. The upcoming elections have been described as “invalid” because it will be a parliament in favor of one...
Bishop Bisantī of Helwan and al-Ma'sarah and member of the Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church, has expressed his astonishment that the presidency forgot the dates of the Easter celebrations when selecting the date for the parliamentary elections (Caroline Kāmil, al-Shurūq al-Jadīd, Mar. 1, p...
In a letter sent to Vatican Pope Benedict XVI, Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros III remembered the Pope’s work and leadership of the Church (Rānīyā Nabīl, al-Sabāh, Mar. 1, p. 6). Read original text in Arabic.  
On Thursday, February 28, Bishop Mattias of the Ethiopian Church in Jerusalem was elected for the position of Sixth Patriarch for the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. He succeeds Father Paulus, who passed away on August 16, 2012 (‘Imād Khalīl and Fādī Francis, al-Misrī al-Yawm, Mar. 1, p. 3). Read...
The presidency has made many efforts to convince the Coptic Orthodox Church to participate in the national dialogue called for by President Muhammad Morsi (Author not mentioned, al-Dustūr, Mar. 1, p. 4). Read original text in Arabic.
A delegation of the Church left the Papal residency on Thursday morning, February 28. Bishop Pachomius of Beheira and the five Western cities, headed the delegation. The delegation was further made up of: Bishop Bishoy of Damietta; Bishop Raphael, secretary of the Holy Synod; Bishop Bīmin of Qūs...
In discussion with al-Sabāh, the new Catholic Patriarch Ibrāhīm Ishāq Sidrāk speaks of migration, the problem with the low number of Catholic priests, visits to Jerusalem, his nomination as the new Patriarch, and his opinion of the group for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice. Sidrāk...
A large crack down led by Major Generals Salāh Mazīd and Ahmad ‘Abd al-Ghaffār, head of Qena Security Department and Chief of Qena Investigation Department, respectively, raided the hideout of the suspect accused of shooting and killing a guard of Dishnā Church in Qena Governorate. The security...
After days, 116 cardinals (highest religious ranking in the Catholic Church) from all corners of the world are meeting at the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican to vote for the successor of Pope Benedict XVI, who recently resigned (Author not mentioned, al-Shurūq al-Jadīd, Mar. 1, p.10). Read original...
Hundreds of people from the Church, including bishops and priests, protested in front of the Beni Suef Security Department demanding an end to the repeated encroachment of church property at the hands of some Muslims who security leaders have accused of colluding to expel Copts from the country (...


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