Displaying 341 - 350 of 351.
"We are not in need of assuring our belief in the heavenly books and all the stories mentioned in them. We believe in what the Holy Qur’an mentioned about the story of the Jews’ departure from Egypt and how they accompanied Moses to escape the tyranny of the pharaoh."
This Freedom from Religious Persecution Act gives America the right to interfere in diplomatic ways to the concerned governments and if a government does not respond, it is the right of the U.S. administration to impose any sanctions that it (the U.S.) sees fit. The author stresses that several...
It is true some extremist Israeli groups refer to selected texts in the Torah or Old Testament, including the texts quoted by Mohammed Khalifa Hassan in order to support their claims. Hassan suggests that all religious Zionists share the same opinion when it comes to the interpretation of religious...
Hulsman asked three Evangelical pastors in Egypt to comment on the two Rose el-Yousef articles. These pastors are certainly not happy with the publications in Rose el-Yousef. Their criticism, however, focuses on the tensions between churches in Egypt and para-Christian organizations, the...
An unknown Jew recently wrote a letter to The Jerusalem Post abusing European heads of states with the typical distorted view of history. The letter carried the headline "An Open Letter to the American President - We will take revenge upon Killer Arabs" was signed by one Hana Gore.
Arab countries with an independent attitude to foreign policy are singled out for attacks by the Western media, particularly American, which is for the most part financed by Zionists. American media exploits every opportunity for bitterly criticizing Arab countries with the apparent aim of...
There is a new trend in Israel, which calls for giving up the Israeli identity. This trend calls for giving up the celebration of feasts in Jewish synagogues and holding them in churches. Of course, the Zionists oppose this trend, but they cannot stop it.
The conspiring motives of the Sunday Telegraph’s campaign against Egypt are being revealed day after day. The British-American-Zionist attempts to trigger a ’Coptic Issue’ in Egypt, referring to Copts as a persecuted minority, is a way to implement the religious persecution law recently approved by...
The article describes the Jewish influence on the British media. Lots of names are given.
Montasser El-Zayat, generally acknowledged as lawyer and spokesman of the radical Gama’at al-Islamiya, explains in an interview the dynamics within the extremist groups. He asks for a dialogue with these groups.


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