Displaying 71 - 80 of 351.
The Center for Research on Anti-Semitism recorded a significant increase in the number of anti-Jewish incidents in Berlin: the number of such incidents reached 1083 in 2018, an increase of 14% compared to 2017. The number of actual anti-semitic attacks has doubled from 18 to 46.
Alice Rothchild, an American and Jewish writer, said that Netanyahu's re-election was an insult to many progressive Jews which are dissatisfied with his policy and Trump's policies, all of which advocate for the continuation of apartheid and violation of the rights of the Palestinian people.
The Kantor Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry of Tel Aviv University released a report on the eve of the Holocaust Remembrance Day. The researchers said that the rate of attacks on Jews in the world increased by 13%, rising from 342 attacks in 2017 to 387 in 2018.
Israeli President, Reuven Rivlin, stated on his speech for the Holocaust Remembrance Day, “Europe is facing the revival of anti-Semitism and racism, driven by immigration waves, economical crisis and disappointment towards the political establishment that are finding their way to European...
Bernie Sanders, the US Democratic presidential candidate, criticized the Israeli government and described them as racist.    “I am 100 percent pro-Israel,” Sanders said. “Israel has every right to exist, and to exist in peace and security and not be subjected to terrorist attacks. The fact of the...
A yearly report published on Wednesday by the “Kantor” Centre at the University of Tel Aviv highlights that there was a 13% increase in the number of anti-Semitic incidents against Jews globally in 2018. The report adds that 13 Jews were killed last year in incidents classified as “anti-Semitic”....
Robert Mackey of The Intercept wrote that President Donald Trump, not Democratic Representative Ilhan Omar, is the one who accused American Jews of double allegiance.
The Times published a report by its correspondent Richard Spencer, in which he spoke about Egypt's interest in rebuilding its relations with Jews. The report, translated by ʿArabī 21, indicates that up until 2010 Egyptian and Jews had been secretly celebrating the Jewish New Year (Rūsh Ḥashānā)...
The German Agency for Domestic Security recently published a report about Muslim antisemitism in Europe, and especially in Germany where it seems to represent a big issue.
Preface by Cornelis Hulsman: In 1997 I started making press overviews on issues related to Muslim-Christian relations and founded the Religious News Service from the Arab World which later was renamed Arab-West Report. Between June 13, 1997 and July 11, 1998 I collected articles from al-Muslimoon...


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