Displaying 1 - 10 of 1440.
Introduction: Inclusive citizenship seeks to go beyond the intellectual debates of recent years on democratization and participation to explore a related set of issues around changing conceptions of citizenship. Peoples’ understandings of what it means to be a citizen go to the heart of various...
Dr. Tarek al-Gawhary, MA Azhar University, PhD Princeton University, advisor to Sheikh Dr. Ali Goma’a. explained the thought process in Islamic Law and how a Muslim jurist can think about the concept of inclusive citizenship in a historical context. The basis is in the Constitution of Medina or the...
Sara ʿAllām Shaltout worked as the Christian affairs editor for the newspaper al-Yawm al-Sābiʿ from 2015-2020, a position usually reserved for Egyptian Christians. The fact that she was entrusted with this position as a Muslim is a testament to her independent thought and objective journalism. In...
Over the past few days, a number of Facebook posts have claimed that the new Tunisian Constitution has removed the reference to Islam as the state religion. What exactly is this about?
The House of Representatives under Speaker Ḥanafī Jibālī approved a proposal by Dr.ʿAlī Gomʿa, Chairman of the House’s Religious Affairs & Awqāf Committee, to add an article to the Criminal Procedures Law regarding reconciliation on crimes of murder related to vendetta.
Grand Muftī of Egypt, Dr. Naẓīr ʿAyyād, said that coordination is underway with al-Azhar, the Ministry of Awqāf (Religious Endowments), al-Azhar’s Council of Senior Scholars, and the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs in order to devise a legal framework to regulate fatwas in Egypt.
Adoption in Christianity is a valued human bond between the adopted and the adopting family, as the child becomes an integral part of the family and is given a new opportunity to pursue happiness and liberty. The adopting family is expected to provide considerable support and care for the adopted...
The Ministry of Justice hosted a second session of societal dialogue on the draft regarding personal status law for Christians under the patronage of Minister ʿAdnān Fangarī. The session aimed to gather multitudes of opinions in efforts to ensure that the law would serve the best interests of...
The Iraqi parliament announced on Tuesday, the 21st, the approval of amendments to personal status law in the country following several re-drafts due to criticism that the new amendments could allow child marriages.
On the instructions of the King, a communication meeting was held in Rabat on Tuesday, 24 December 2024, to present the proposals for revising the Family Code, or Moudawana. These proposals will be put to a vote in Parliament.


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