Displaying 1321 - 1330 of 1657.
Throughout the past years, the Muslim Brotherhood has tried to control many media outlets. For example, they tried to control Al-Haqiqa newspaper that is published by Al-Ahrar party, but they failed. They have also tried to control Al-Nour newspaper by making a deal with the editor to publish five...
The Court of Appeals reached its decision in the case of Al-Kosheh after examining the appeals made by the accused for the second time. The Court decided to uphold the verdict issued by the Sohag Criminal Court which sentenced the top suspect Fayiz Muhammad Abdel Reheem to thirteen years in prison...
A group of scholars and intellectuals traveled last week to Europe in order to “improve the image of Islam and Muslims” in Western public opinion. The program aims at eliminating mistaken ideas about Islam. This coincided with an agreement taken by a number of Muslim businessmen in Canada and the U...
The Saudi public was shocked by the release of a statement signed by more than 200 heavyweight Saudi scholars and intellectuals, known to belong to the kingdom’s moderate trend. The statement warned against what they called the “Western liberal perspective” on social life that grants women’s issues...
Asharq Al-Awsat met with a group of Western Arabists on the sidelines of the Translation Conference held lately at the Supreme Council of Culture in Egypt. They spoke about their experiences in translating literal works from Arabic into European languages and the reasons that let them choose...
A large number of young translators presented translations of literary works from various languages into Arabic that attracted the attention of readers and specialists. These translations are not limited to the widely known languages like English and French, but they also include some translations...
The early days of Islam did not witness any conflict between religion and state. Islam does not give anyone religious authority over human beings. Islam is not similar to Christian theology that is based on priesthood that granted itself a religious sacredness.
When I. visited the monastery of the Holy Virgin on the Western Mountain of Dronka in Assiut, I saw at the foot of the mountain a vast area covered with gloomy brushwood. The monastery tried hard to clean up the area and cultivate it with timber-producing woods—watered by the drained water—but the...
There are dozens of Internet sites that propagate rumors made up by enemies of the nation, starting with Al-Qa’ida members and ending with the Coptic émigrés. Al-Maqrizi Center’s web site has recently spread a rumor about the President Mubarak’s health. That rumor was easily contained, but many...
Dr. No’man Goma’a, head of the Wafd Party hosted the delegation of the banned Brotherhood at the party’s headquarter for 140 minutes. Information leaked about the meeting varied between: implying the possibility of a new alliance between the Wafd and the Brotherhood, similar to the alliance they...


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