Alfred Nadu is a refugee from South Sudan with a blue card. He is the leader of Great Equatoria, an NGO established in 2002 that provides various forms of assistance to the refugee community in Egypt. They sometimes also assist migrants coming to Egypt. They mainly offer the community four types of services:
1) Psychosocial Services, this in terms of medical grants, emergency assistance, and cash. We have a specific place in Maadi doing that. 2) Legal Services. Refugees have a lot of legal issues that are related to protection, the UNHCR, and the renewal of their refugee cards that are needed to make sure that they are protected.
3) Educational Services which started in 2021 and
4) Socio-Cultural services, including cultural and social events.
Alfred Nadu confirmed receiving the text of this interview and was informed that the purpose was placement in Dialogue Across Borders. He wrote, “Alright, I will go through it and see if there is something to edit.” This turned out not to be the case.