Open Doors is a non-denominational mission supporting persecuted Christians in over 60 countries where Christianity is socially or legally oppressed. They are also engaged in the distribution of Bibles and literature. Open Doors aims to raise awareness of religious persecution against Christians, assembling prayer as well as support and action among Christians worldwide. In the following recording, Christian persecution in Egypt is discussed, in particular in terms of building and maintenance of churches. Additionally, the issue of stereotypical views of Coptic Orthodox churches is brought up for discussion, as these churches are allegedly always brought in relation to Roman Catholic churches, though they are very different.
For more information on the subject of Church building permits in Egypt, please refer to the tape: Father van Nispen’s account on Shaykh Yūsuf al-Badrī’s bold statements against Christians:
Side A:
Dutch members of the Western Christian organization, Open Doors attend a Coptic Orthodox mass. One of the members states that it is very difficult for Muslims who have converted to Christianity to find a place in society as they often lose their jobs, families and even their lives. They form a part of the suffering church, which besides converts also helps other Christians who have suffered from religious persecution. Increasingly, Christians are harassed, arrested, interrogated, imprisoned, fined or killed because of their religious beliefs and practices says one of the members of the organization. There is allegedly even evidence of intolerance touching Christians in the Egyptian legislation. The Christian building permit is in itself a form of discrimination as this permit forms an obstacle for Christians to build more churches, but this is not the case for Muslims.