Displaying 11 - 20 of 22.
Hānī Labīb comments on the Rose al-Yūsuf file that was published on the occasion of the Coptic Christmas. The file was devoted to Coptic issues and contained interviews with clergymen and Coptic figures. Labīb hails the file as a valuable document.
A number of Coptic organizations in the West have sent Pope Shenouda III a letter for his approval on launching a TV satellite channels from Egypt that would serve their interests.
‘Amr Bayyūmī reports on a secret report prepared by a former employee at the Christian satellite channel ‘Sat 7’ accusing it of adopting Zionist tendencies and planting seeds of sectarian sedition in Egypt.
A frequently recurring problem has to do with religious identity, and specifically the documented religion of an individual oftentimes contradicting his actual religious practices. The article discusses this issue, and presents some specific cases.
Some Coptic websites presented a study realized by Dr. George Bibāwī and Dr. Robert Show. The study deems Pope Shenouda Kāfir and provide an explicit argument to its claims.
The article highlights the agreement between the pope and Alexandria’s governor to solve any sectarian disagreement that may occur. The church attitude toward those who attended the laymen’s conference is also explained in this article.
‘Ādil Jirjis analyses what Bishop Bīshūy said about the ‘Da Vinci Code’ book and film.
Coptic clerics and thinkers emphasize that religious satellite channels should avoid offending other beliefs.
Saad writes about a new Coptic satellite TV program entitled “Aghapy.” He promotes this program and encourages more people to watch it, learn about it, and support it. He considers it one of the greatest resources for spreading information about the Coptic Orthodox Church, including its activities...
The Coptic Orthodox Church launches its first Coptic channel on November 14, 2005.


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