Displaying 1 - 10 of 22.
Yesterday evening, Pope Tawāḍrūs II of Alexandria and the See of St Mark concluded the second day of the “Second Media Meeting” along with representatives of the Coptic Orthodox Church’s magazine al-Karāza and four Coptic TV channels, Aghapy TV [Aghābī], ME sat, CTV and Koogi [Kūjī], alongside the...
  The Coptic Christian Church has launched its third satellite channel, called the St. Mark Channel, on Nile Sat. Bishop Armiyā, secretary of Pope Shenouda III, oversees the channel. Pope Shenouda heads the Board of Directors for the channel, the official mouthpiece of the church.  
A campaign improving Bīshūy’s public image started yesterday with a television program presented by Bishop Armiyā on the Church’s Aghābī Satellite Channel. The program received phone calls from various Bishops all claiming Bīshūy to be misquoted and that he meant no disrespect to the Qur'ān. Kamāl...
This article sheds light on the struggle between the two Coptic Orthodox channels, C.tv and Agape. Moreover it gives an account of the other basically non-Orthodox Coptic channels, Sat7, Noursat, Mu‘jizah, and al-Hayāh.
Review of the Cairo press in which three controversies are discussed. First, a Fatwá banning serving food or drinks during the day during Ramadan. Second the story of Qistantīn, a priest’s wife who disappeared and supposedly converted to Islam, and now lives in seclusion in a monastery, amid rumors...
Expatriate Copts will start the pilot broadcast of their satellite channel "Kīmī" on July 1 under the slogan ’Love of Egypt is the Solution’ in collaboration with Syrian TV.
The spread of religious satellite channels does not indicate a moral renaissance or a sign of a healthy religious climate. These channels soon turn into religious "ghettos" that instigate sedition.
The article discusses the entry of Coptic businessmen as a basic party in supporting the bishopswho are eager to succeed Pope Shenouda. It highlights the different point of views about the reasons and the expected outcomes.
The recent increase in religious satellite channels in the Middle East has led some critics to suggest that they have strayed from their original purpose of educating people about religion and become money-spinning centers for fundamentalist thought.
The author writes that the Christian CTV satellite channel has been supporting the secretary of Pope Shenouda III, Bishop Yu’annis, and grooming him to succeed the pope.


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