Displaying 11 - 16 of 16.
The author comments on an article by Ayda Al-Gohari titled “The phenomenon of Amr Khalid…the preacher of rich people who look for a meaning [in life].” He believes that the analysis of Ayda is dominated by a secular, Marxist point of view – which led her to concentrate on the effect of the...
Salah Hashim, the founder of the Gama´at Al-Islamiya spoke about the Gama´at since its foundation in Assiut, the role the then governor of Assiut played in relation to the formation of the Gama´at and their disputes with the Muslim Brotherhood. He supports the corrective review of the ideologies of...
A lot of youth in Upper Egypt joined the Islamic group of Al-Tabligh wa Al-Da’wa. These youths claim that they are preaching the ways of God, but they have no credentials that qualify them to preach. The members of the group in fact do not care about politics and the regime. They belittle the...
I spent three days with members of this group after I was invited by them to “go out [exert efforts] for the sake of God.” The inviting sheikh mentioned three conditions that should be metby those who wanted to join the group. The first of these conditions is not speaking about politics and the...
An expert in Al-Ahram Political and Strategic Studies Center said that the concept of political Islam appeared in the mid-seventies due to an American study on the Iranian Revolution and Khomeini. He added that Islamic groups are divided into two sections, namely, Islamic religious movements and...
Islamism is rapidly changing and loosing ground in Egyptian society. The writer is an expert at the Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies and the managing editor of the annual State of Religion in Egypt Report.


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