Displaying 31 - 37 of 37.
Dr. Nabīl Louqā Bibāwī calls on Father Zakarīya Butrus to change his preaching style, saying he is preaching Christianity through attacking Islam, which threatens Muslim-Christian relations.
Interfaith dialogues should be to help the people better understand other people’s religions. They should not be established to discuss dogmatic beliefs.
Midhat Bishāy comments on an interview al-Safwa channel had with Secretary of the Holy Synod, Bishop Bīshouy, in which the bishop discussed the issue of Archpriest Zakarīyā Butrus.
The article deals with the issue of Zakarīyā Butrus, a defrocked Coptic priest who attacks Islam on the satellite channel al-Hayāt, a matter which Bishop Bīshouy, the secretary of the Coptic Holy Synod, said runs counter to Christianity.
Can the launching of two satellite channels by the Coptic Orthodox Church be in response to other Christian channels that promote sectarian sedition?
The TV Channel of Al-Hayat, broadcast on the European Satellite, claims to be calling for Christianity and at the same time it is quite far from Christian morals that urge tolerance and respect to the faiths of others. A large number of Coptic intellectuals became aware of the threats posed by the...
Interview of Queen Margrethe II of Denmark, reported with different interpretations and translations in both al-Hayat and al-Ahrām. Father Basilios al-Maqari writes about two Coptic Orthodox Church councils in the seventies that discussed Muslim-Christian relations.


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