Displaying 21 - 30 of 183.
Mīrzā al-Khūwaylidī writes about translation movements in the Arab World.
The article presents the various reactions to Mahdī ‘Ākif’s, the supreme guide of the banned Muslim Brotherhood, statements in which he praised Usāmah Bin Lādin and his al-Qā‘idah organization.
This article reports on recent clashes between Syrian and Iranian backed Hizb Allāh and government troops in Lebanon.
Liberal Islamic thinker Nasr Hāmid Abū Zayd participated in a cultural festival that was organized in Beirut and Cairo at the same time. After the difficulties encountered to hold Abū Zayd’s lecture in different places, the lecture was given at the American University in Cairo where Abū Zayd...
The International Center for Civilization Studies holds its third annual seminar about Islam in the West.
London’s Mayor Ken Livingstone believes that British policy in the Middle East and the stereotypes surrounding Muslims within the U.K are impacting the further integration of Muslims into British society.
The article reports on the Muslim Brotherhood recent decision on the participation in the forthcoming general strike on May 4.
The article discusses Muslims living in Europe, and the need to understand that Islam is an integral part of culture within Europe.
The article reports on the April 6 protest of workers of the industrial city of al-Mahallah al-Kubrá over the increase of prices.
In the article, a new legislation prevents marriage before the age of 18 and allows mothers to call their babies by their own names has stirred huge controversy on the religious level.


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