Displaying 31 - 40 of 299.
Presidential candidate Ahmad Shafīq said Christians are full partners in the nation, pledging if he won the elections, he would choose a highly-efficient Christian woman as vice president to cover religion and sex in the same time. [Ashraf Sharaf and Sarhān Sinnārah, al-Akhbār, May 16, p. 5] Read...
Rānyā Khalīl Ibrāhīm, the heroine of yet another sectarian trouble sparked recently in Mīt Bashār village, Minyā al-Qamh town, al-Sharqia governorate, said that she was not kidnapped and that she left her father’s home with her own free will. [‘Ādil al-Shā’ir, al-Shurūq al-Jadīd, Feb. 19, p. 6]...
Bishop Bīshūy, Secretary of the Coptic Orthodox Church’s Holy Synod, called for establishing a council for Egyptian churches to be tasked with negotiating with the new regime to achieve Copts’ demands, stressing unity of Christian denominations to seek solutions for Coptic problems, including the...
Table of Contents I. Introduction: Complications II. Egyptian Media Reporting III. Experiences of the Center for Arab-West Understanding (CAWU) IV. NGO Registration: The U.S. Model
Al-Wafd published the story on Runderkamp's film on its website on December 5. This was strange since it was not in their printed publication. The Wafd text was mailed by imām Fādil Sulaymān to Cornelis Hulsman, Jayson Casper with the question "Dear brothers, what do you think about this Dutch...
Lex Runderkamp’s video on the incident of the village of al-Mārīnāb in Idfū city, Aswan governorate was used by al-Mukhalis TV website on December 7, 2011 [Read al-Mukhalis TV website comment on the video], a Salafī outlet, and before this  by articles in al-Distūr, December 4, 2011 and al-Misriyūn...
Hundreds of Copts marched from Shubrá area passing from Ramsīs street to 26 July Axis [Giza governorate] [Reviewer's Note: Al-Akhbār mentioned it as 62 July Axis] condemning the incidents of Saint George's Church [Al-Akhbār mentioned it as Saint Marina Church] in the village of Marīnāb close to...
Ādmon Butrus, the deputy chief of the Coptic league in Lebanon, discredited reports that the Muslim Brotherhood and the salafists are controlling the streets in Egypt after the downfall of the former regime. "They won't get more than 5% of seats inside the People's Assembly in the forthcoming...
Shaykh Jamāl Qutb, the former Chairman of the Azhar's Fatwa Committee, said the unified law regulating the construction of houses of worship was lamely drafted, criticizing lack of organization in building mosques and churches. He cited an example of the neighborhood where he lives. "I live in an...
In a front-page statement, al-Wafd has complained to Coptic Orthodox Pope Shenouda III about assaults by "Christian brothers" on two journalists in the opposition newspaper, Suhā Salāh and 'Alyā' 'Alī, during the Copts' protests off the Radio & TV building in Maspero area on Thursday, May 19,...


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