Displaying 291 - 300 of 1022.
A group of Coptic Orthodox laymen held a conference in which participants proposed new rules for choosing the patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox Church. The list of rules is meant to replace those that were issued in 1957. They suggested that the future patriarch be a married layman. The church and...
The article is based on an interview with Bishop Mūsá the bishop of youth in the Coptic Orthodox Church. The bishop talked about problems of Copts in Egypt and the church’s relation with Coptic activists in the West.
Bishop Maximus sent a letter to Pope Shenouda asking him to reconcile and to sign a protocol of understanding with him.
Although Coptic lawyer Mamdūḥ Naklah is apparently concerned with Coptic issues, he has been accused of trading on Copts’ problems and of inciting the U.S. against the Egyptian regime.
Bishop Bishūy of the Coptic Orthodox Church responds to questions on church trials, which according to his interviewer are infamous for being harsh and surrounded by vagueness.
The article discusses the various beliefs of how an individual can attain salvation.
Signs of a new crisis between the Coptic Orthodox Church and the Ministry of Culture because of a new book issued by the General Egyptian Book Organization entitled, ’Min Dalā’il ‘Azamah al-Risālah al-Muh...
The author of the articles cites situations and examples of what he called daily persecutions that the Copts in Egypt are faced with.
The Egyptian press continues to focus on the different reactions of Egyptian Christians to the controversial Vatican document that was recently issued. While representatives of the Catholic Church approve it, Protestant and Orthodox denominations attack it severely.
While Egyptian non-Catholic churches expressed their angry reactions to the Vatican document, Catholic figures, including the director of the Holy See’s Press Office, declared that the document was mainly to clarify Catholic doctrinal issues and was not intended to offend any church or denomination...


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