Displaying 321 - 330 of 1022.
Confessing one’s sins to priests via the internet and phone calls causes controversy within Christian circles in Egypt. The following article presents the opinion of a few Christians on the matter, as well as a few priests.
The author discusses Bishop Paphnotius’ ideas because of their importance in clarifying the real crisis that led to the emergence of the laymen’s group.
The newspaper, ‘Ālam al-Mashāhīr, is attempting to establish itself as an alternative to Waṭanī newspaper,especially after the outbreak of disagreements between Wạtanī’s editors and Pope Shenouda.
The author questions what sources Bishop Bisantī relied on when he revealed the results of a census taken to determine the number of Copts in Egypt, especially since the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics denied authorizing any census of the number of Christians in Egypt.
Amīn Fahīm analyzes the crises of the Coptic Orthodox Church and attributed its causes to internal and external factors.
The Coptic laymen’s group intends to issue a statement calling for the amendment to the rules that govern the next papal election, and to confine the post to monks who have not been ordained as bishops.
The Coptic Orthodox Church affirms that Pope Shenouda III headed for Cleveland Clinic in Ohio for a kidney check up and not for surgery. Meanwhile, laymen have called to amend the bylaw of electing the patriarch, especially with the escalating fears about the pope’s health conditions.
97% of Egyptian women are circumcised. The Fatwá of the Egyptian Muftī prohibiting female circumcision, the official rejecting stance of legislative institutions in the country, and the highlighted dangers of the operation seem to have little influence on the conservative traditional opinions of...
A Catholic man resorts to the Vatican Ambassador in Cairo and to the U.S. Embassy asking them to intervene in the Egyptian government after his wife got a judgment of divorce by Khul‘.
A conjugal conflict raises suspicions of some Coptic Orthodox clergymen’s disloyalty. The author hints at the church’s alleged compassion with the wife whose brother is a priest; the husband accuses the church, represented by Bishop Mārqus of Shubrā al-Khaymah, of disloyalty and of exposing his...


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