Displaying 721 - 730 of 1022.
The press review deals with the recent controversial ruling by the Administrative Judiciary Court allowing divorced Copts a chance to have a second marriage and discussing the Coptic Orthodox Church’s rejection of the court’s decision.
Sidhom writes about the recent problems in implementing the new computerized identity card scheme in Egypt, which is to be completed by 2007. He offers the stories of four people whose original papers were disputed when they attempted to gain new identity cards. Three of these people were...
Christians who convert to Islam then change their minds and want to return to Christianity face legal problems concerning the religion category on their national identity cards.
The stance a priest decided to adopt during the presidential elections led to a burnt car. Father Filopātīr tells Fādī Habashī about this incident, which he believes was a premeditated action.
Coptic human rights lawyer Najīb Jibrā’īl claims that the Egyptian regime is responsible for the internationalization of Copts’ issues.
The author argues that Pope Shenouda can do nothing more to stop Father Zakarīya Butrus attacking Islam, since Butrus is no longer part of the Coptic Orthodox church, and therefore does not fall under the pope’s authority.
Fahmī Huwaydī’ wrote an excellent comment on the recent Muslim-Christian tensions in Alexandria. Comment on discussions about conversions from Islam to Christianity.  Aḥmad Abū al-Majd believes citizenship and democracy are ‘empty slogans’ in Egypt.
A book review of Jamāl al-Bannā’s book, My Coptic Brethren.
The author thinks that having a unified personal status law could solve the problem of thousands of Copts who have divorce court verdicts but are waiting for having a re-marriage license from the Church.
The author examines the divisions that have taken place among the members of the Church of Grace, after members of the council of the church accused their president, Sāmī Hannā Ghubriyāl, of committing crimes for over 18 years.


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