Displaying 751 - 760 of 1022.
Ahmad Nāsir conducted an interview with Ahmad al-Tābi‘ī, the scriptwriter of the controversial series “Ahmad-Girgis” which tells the story of a Muslim child brought up by a Christian family.
Father Marcos´ articles obviously are polemic. They are highly opinionated and inciting. Their obvious purpose was to show how bad Protestants are. Father Marcos is entitled to differ with Protestants on whatever subject he wants but not through taking information out of context and inciting the...
Father Marcos Aziz Khalil of the Hanging Church began a series of articles in Al-Midan newspaper under the title "The Secrets Behind the Conflicts between Christian Denominations." He criticizes Protestant churches and warns members of the Orthodox Church against their teachings. The series is in...
Watani newspaper recently distributed a compact disk (CD), which is said to contain Protestant ideas. This hurts the feelings of many Orthodox people. Pope Shenouda and general-Bishop Musa sent Watani a letter condemning this CD. It was later discovered that the organization that distributed the CD...
A number of Egyptian bishops of the Coptic Orthodox Church said that Arab Christians would not celebrate Easter, as sadness over what has taken place in Baghdad breaks their hearts. The head of the World Council of Churches said that the churches of the Middle East canceled all Easter festivities...
The author argues that while Copts are demanding the application of rulings by the Administrative Court requiring the Interior Ministry to print new identity cards for Christian converts, Pope Shenouda has refused to apply the rulings of the same court concerning remarriage for Coptic divorcees.
Hala Sidqī, a Coptic actress who got divorced after filing a khul‘ lawsuit against her ex-husband, comments on the court ruling requiring the church to give Christian divorcees permission to re-marry.
There is a great respect in Egyptian schoolbooks for Christian religion, although there is only little information on its faith and life. There is excellent information on the early history of the Copts in Egypt, but almost no information about the Christian minority after the conquest of Egypt....
A number of Orthodox clergymen have asked Pope Shenouda to apply the labor law so that they can enjoy social insurance and can have their salaries renewed. They also asked him to issue a special law that would stipulate the authorities of both priests and bishops and how to punish them if they...
The Egyptian Administrative Court postponed a hearing in the lawsuit filed by a Coptic attorney, demanding the redemption of the Egyptian Deir Al-Sultan in eastern Jerusalem and handing it over to the Coptic Orthodox Church, to a court session on May 5.


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