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Claims made by a leading member of the Muslim Brotherhood that 60 per cent of those participating in a sit-in outside the Presidential Palace are Christian, has caused anger among Coptic groups which have accused Dr. Muhammad al-Biltājī of causing discord and encouraging division in the country....
27-28 April, the dates of the first round of the elections, coincide with the beginning of the Holy Week and Palm Sunday, while the runoffs scheduled for 4-5 May clash with Holy Saturday and Easter, said Bishop Rafiq Gereish, the head of the Catholic Church’s media office.  “Didn’t the president...
A group of Coptic movements, which groups Christian and Muslim activists, protested outside parliament to condemn the forced displacement of Christian families from al-'Āmrīyah and acts of violence in the village of Mīt Bashār in al-Sharqia governorate. "The Coptic Coalition Movement and other...
A Church source said that the Church does not expect President Mursī to come to Easter Mass at Saint Mark Cathedral. The source confirmed that the Pope will lead the prayer at the Cathedral next Friday and will lead Easter Mass. Archbishop Sergius Sergius, Deputy of the Patriarchate for...
Dr. ‘Abd al-Rahmān al-Barr, member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Guidance Office (al-Irshād Office), issued a fatwá banning greeting Copts in Easter. The Muslim Brotherhood Muftī continued that the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is against Muslims’ doctrine because Jesus or ‘Isá (as Muslims say) did...
The number of victims of the current violence in Egypt is increasing. Most deaths fell during the efforts to end the demonstrations. According to the Ministry of Health there are 638 deaths, among them at least 43 from the police forces. The Muslim Brotherhood claims much larger numbers of...
One of the distinguishing sub-themes of the Egyptian revolution which began on January 25, 2011, has been the proliferation of Coptic movements.
Counselor Mahmūd Mikī, Vice-President, met with representatives of Coptic movements to listen to Coptic problems in an attempt to develop a real national harmony. The Vice-President promised to study these problems in his meeting with three Coptic movements, namely: Maspero Youth Union, Copts...
Right after the January 25, 2011 revolution, several phenomena and attitudes that require in-depth studying floated onto the Egyptian political playground. As far the Egyptian general Christian affair, Christian protest movements have become a significant indicative example.  
Egyptian churches announced on Thursday their rejection of a protest scheduled for next Friday to demand the expulsion of the Israeli ambassador to Cairo. A number of activists who have been staging a sit-in in front of the Israeli Embassy called Tuesday for a million-strong demonstration to take...
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