Displaying 31 - 40 of 83.
A Muslim female police officer in Philadelphia expects to be fired because of wearing the veil during work hours
The annual report of the Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) shows that Muslims in the US have been exposed to more than 600 violent and racial discrimination incidents during the year 2002. This number marks a 15% increase over the year 2001. The French movement “Anti-Racism and Pro-...
The Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) participates in a series of lectures under the title “Different tendencies…Common Values” in the US state of Ohio. The aim of the lectures is promoting tolerance among children of different religions and cultures in the state.
The Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) starts its annual conference on April 25. This year’s conference is titled “A Road Map for Success…Perspective and Action.” It focuses on training Muslim American leaders in how to be politically and media effective on the level of civil rights in...
Muslims working in the Pentagon expressed their anger at the fact that Rev. Franklin Graham, who described Islam as an evil religion, has been invited to give a sermon on
Despite the fact that no violence actions have been committed against Muslims in the US since the eruption of the war on Iraq, there is a fear that Islamic fundamentalist groups in the US commit actions against Americans - which in its turn will have negative consequences on Muslims.
The FBI decided to fire its agent at the American embassy in Riyadh because he rejected to confirm some Zionist and Western intelligence reports on a relation between Al-Qa´ida members and some residents of Saudi Arabia from various nationalities.
The author compares between the reactions to criticizing Jews and abusing the belief of Muslims in view of the reactions given to the statements of American General William Boykin and the Malaysian prime minister about Islam and the Jews. The first stated that Muslims worship idols and his...
The organization of anti-racial discrimination in New South Wales, Australia, conducted an investigation of anti-Islamic pamphlets distributed by the One Nation Party. The pamphlet calls for stopping the building of mosques and Islamic schools.
The Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) asked the leaders of the Republican Party to condemn the selling of anti-Islam stickers in a conference for Conservatives in Washington


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