Displaying 41 - 50 of 83.
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The Council of American-Islamic Relations [CAIR] asked Christian leaders in Florida to remove a sign hanging outside a Protestant Church there as it offends Islam. CAIR says that the sign may contribute to the increasing intolerant feelings towards Muslims in Florida.
The American paper Tallahassee Democrat apologized to Muslims in the US and suspended one of its newsmen after he made disparaging remarks about Arabs and Muslims.
The bombings in London, the lobbying and political clout of the 9/11 Commission, the gentle prodding from European capitals, and, yes, even a little common sense have finally convinced Washington to exchange GWOT [Global War on Terrorism] for the more sober SAVE [Struggle/Strategy Against Violent...
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has launched an advertising campaign to denounce acts of terrorism in the aftermath of the London suicide bomb blasts.
Some 70 Members of Parliament reject a visit to be paid by the US Congress Freedom from Religious Persecution Committee, which they view as an attempt to interfere in domestic political affairs and have an impact on the public opinion trends within the period in which Egypt is preparing for the...
On November 19, the International Herald Tribune published an article by Amr Ahmad, head of the Council of Islamic-American Relations. The article entitled “Looking for justice for American Muslims” and it had been published earlier in the Boston Globe. The facts mentioned in this article arouse...
Memri´s intent is to find the worst possible quotes from the Muslim world and disseminate them as widely as possible.
At a time when interfaith dialogue groups are opening around the country, when Islamic histories make the bestseller lists and bookstores can´t keep the Qur´an in stock, when the nation is following President Bush´s lead in working toward a fuller and more amicable appreciation of...
Omar Ahmed, chairman of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) called the statement of Jerry Vines a ‘reckless, anti-Islamic statement´ which could lead to more hate crimes against Muslims in the US. Vines´ statement and other similar statements not only create a wedge between Muslims and...


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