Date of source: Saturday, April 23, 2016
Al-Misrīyūn news website published a featured story on the ordeal of the renowned Egyptian Academic Dr.ʿImād Shāhīn, Professor at Harvard University, who faces death sentence back in his homeland.
Date of source: Friday, October 12, 2012
U.S. ambassador in Cairo Anne Patterson met on Wednesday (October 10) with Coptic activists who spoke to her about the status of religious minorities in Egypt under President Muhammad Mursī, a few days after her meeting with Egyptian Shiite leaders who told her they applied for the Dutch...
Date of source: Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Editor AWR: This is just an excellent article! The ‘Persecution Industry’ Paul Sedra describes is causing so much harm to Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt. It is deliberately distorting social realities in Egypt, taking problems that do exist out of context and with this they create fear among...
Date of source: Saturday, March 3, 2007
The article is the second episode of reviewing ‘Azīz Fahmī’s book: ‘Isqāṭ Naẓarīyat Sirā‘ al-Ḥaḍārāt wa-I‘ādat Taqdīm al-Islām lil-‘Aql al-Gharbī’ [Toppling the Theory of the Clash of Civilizations and Re-introducing Islām to the Western Mind] in which he responds to Huntington’s theory of the...
Date of source:
Egyptian newspapers and magazines have continued discussing the consequences of the announcement of the Brotherhood’s initiative for political reform from a rented hall at the Journalists? Syndicate. The event triggered a crisis between the government and the Syndicate.
Date of source: Saturday, February 24, 2007
The article is based on a review of a book entitled, ‘Isqāt Nazarīyat Sirā‘ al-Ḥadārāt wa-I‘ādat Taqdīm al-Islām lil-‘Aql al-Gharbī’ [Toppling the Theory of Clash of Civilizations and Re-introduce Islām to the Western Mind] which responds to Samuel Huntington’s theory on the clash of civilizations...
Date of source: Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Dr. Ramsīs ‘Awaḍ reviews Robert Satloff’s book ’Among the Righteous.’
Date of source: Saturday, December 16, 2006
Husām Suwaylam writes about the declarations
made by General John Abizaid that the world will face a third
World War if the growing Islamic extremism is
not controlled.
Date of source: Monday, December 4, 2006
The author records some of Daniel J.
Goldhagen’s accusations against
Date of source: Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Dr. Amīn Makram ‘Ubayd introduces himself to readers of AWR, wanting to dedicate his efforts “towards a mission of progress energized by a will to see obscurantism defeated, fanaticism vanquished and poverty conquered.” “Writing,” Dr. ‘Ubayd writes, “associated with a fair degree of research, put...