Displaying 1 - 8 of 8.
The author criticizes the phenomenon of fundamentalist shaykhs who insist on depicting Islam as a horrifying religion by focusing on hadīths that depict the torture of the tomb after death and link piety with superficial practices and appearances.
Swedish cartoons depicting Prophet Muhammad arouse wide protests in the Muslim countries. Muslims worldwide protest the cartoons, the newspaper, and the artist. Some Muslim countries prepared official complaints to the Swedish government and the Egyptian press observed Muslim scholars’ opinions...
Some churches in Western countries send missions to poor Islamic countries in what appears to be a merciful act but they are actually taking advantage of and abusing these societies in order to Christianize them.
Although apostasy cases are few, the media’s exaggerated coverage and its portrayal of these cases as a general phenomenon, angering both Muslims and Christians and threatening to ignite sectarian sedition.
The article presents the views of some intellectuals and Islamic scholars on the issue of Christians who converted to Islam and then decided to return to Christianity for personal and worldly factors.
Sheik Rabiek Hag Ibn Neisan, the general mufti of Kazakhstan, has confessed that some Muslims have converted from Islam and become Christians. He said that this has happened because of financial temptations and Western aid funds, and not because converts really believe in Christianity, adding...
A member of the Islamic Research Institute said that Islam establishes good relations with non-Muslims and that Qur´anic verses stress the importance of respecting the dignity of all human beings, regardless of their religion, race or language. Islam deals with those who oppose it in a...
In the Student Union elections of this year in the Egyptian Universities the extremists lost. The moderate current won the elections in all the faculties with the exception of the faculty of Medicine, where the religious current won 25% of the positions. Extremists no longer control the Faculty of...
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