Date of source: Thursday, July 13, 2000
An atmosphere of calmness started to prevail in the Bishopric of Luxor, after three weeks of disputes over the decision of deposing Bishop Ammonius. Akhbar Al-Hawadeth met the poles of the dispute and asked them about what happened and what is going to happen.
Date of source: Sunday, July 23, 2000
Subtitles: * Sadat ruled him out of the vote for a new Pope and then later gave him three hundred fidans in the desert. * He was the first monk to have a university qualification and Pope Shenouda was one of his followers in the monastery. * He said to me that Sadat’s eyes were red when he got...
Date of source: Wednesday, July 12, 2000
Father Matta Al-Maskeen succeeded in closing the curtain on one of the deepest divisions in the history of the Coptic church when he told His Excellency Pope Shenouda III on television that he would concede on the issue of the farm of the monastery of Saint Maqarios, which lies at the seventy...
Date of source: Monday, June 26, 2000
To the surprise of Egyptian churches and media, the case of Bishop Ammonius became momentous and changed into a real revolution. Christians in Luxor struck in the Orthodox church, at Ma’abad Al-Karnak street (Karnak temple street), demanding the Holy Council to reconsider its decision of depositing...
Date of source: Sunday, February 13, 2000
At the "Quddaas Al-Arbaien" held last Thursday in the Archangel Michael Church for the spirits of those who were killed in Al-Kosheh was presided over by Bishop Wissa of Al-Balyana and Dar Al-Salaam, General Bishop Yo’annes, the delegate of His Holiness the Pope, and the secretary of the pope. A...
Date of source: Saturday, November 6, 1999
Since the Nasserist Party was established in 1992, it has placed the issue of national unity among its priorities. This is obvious in the party’s programs and its activities. This is quite natural because if the Nasserist Party would not do this, the party’s association with the name of Gamal Abd...
Date of source: Friday, September 24, 1999
Subtitles: - Saladdin’s army included Muslims and Christians - We build our forces and then look for papers & treaties - We hate the Jews the most because they crucified the Christ Jews are the enemies of the Christ. They are not descendants of Abraham, may God’s peace be upon him. The only...
Date of source: Thursday, September 9, 1999
Bishop Bishoi is the head of the church court and he is the secretary of the Holy Synod. He answered all questions which have been raised because of the story of the body of father Abdel Sayed and why it was forbidden to pray over the body of father Abdel Sayed.
Date of source: Sunday, September 12, 1999
Some Coptic leaders have asked that the church excommunication law be brought up before the Holy Council because Pope Shenouda, head of this council, had suspended 11 priests and forbidden prayers over the bodies of several important deceased.
Date of source: Saturday, July 10, 1999 to Friday, July 16, 1999
The RNSAW gave a summary of both Rose el-Yousef articles in RNSAW, week 28, edition July 9-15, 1999. Since several readers asked for the full text that text is given in this issue together with comments from Evangelical Egyptian church leaders.
Wa’el Lotfi writes about the opposition of Egypt’s...