Displaying 1 - 9 of 9.
Jābir ‘Asfūr refutes a court ruling that removes a decision of the minister of culture on rewarding poet Hilmī Sālim after a fundamental relic sued the minister believing that one of his poems insulted God.
The Administrative Court of Justice has decided to cancel the Supreme Council of Culture’s decision to award Poet Hilmī Sālim the State Prize for Excellence in literature.
In a fit of anger at H...
The article contains the second part of an interview with Shaykh Yūsuf al-Badrī on the lawsuit that he filed against Mr. Ahmad ‘Abd al-Mu‘t...
The article is based on an interview with poet Ahmad ‘Abd al-Mu‘t...
Al-Faris considers the trend of media censorship, and highlights a number of publications that have struggled with the limitations on their freedom of expression.
Alain Roussillon, director of the Centre d’Etudes et de Documentation Economiques, Juridiques et Sociales [CEDEJ], passed away. Discussion about the book ‘Civil Society Exposed: The Politics of NGOs in Egypt’ In Cairo.
[This article appeared in Al-Ahram, June 16, 1999] The Egyptian press has for years revealed the corruption taking place in universities and criticized officials for not taking a positive action towards this dangerous phenomenon. The corruption is not limited to students but has spread to include...
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