Displaying 11 - 18 of 18.
This paper was written for the occasion of the U.N. International Day of Peace, September 21, 2006, and discusses the topic, the Bahā’ī Perspective on World Peace. In the historical analysis at the beginning, an internalization of trade and law is analysed with the development of a tight network of...
Subtitles:- I never play with my words or dress them up, I just take care of everything.- America feels easy at heart with some Islamic tendencies. It even defends their interests.- The security system will not stand still towards violence.- I am not an Islamic writer, but a Muslim writer.- Wearing...
Munā Nour reports the event where Professor Andreas van Agt, former Dutch prime minister, officially opened a Cairo-based Center for Arab-West Understanding.
The status of Copts in the Muslim Brotherhood’s literature is the reason why Copts fear the rise of the Islamic group.
The author comments on the issue of the alleged Jewish possessions in the Arab world. He believes that Jews have no right to ask for these possessions simply because Israel does not have the necessary documents and Jews who emigrated from Arab countries sold their possessions.
Israel organized a campaign, especially in France, to revive the issue of anti-Semitism in order to divert the world’s attention away from the issue of the separation wall. Various Jewish organizations expressed their fears for the increase of anti-Semitic sentiments in Europe and claimed that...
We are being threatened by many American knives, and every day, we bleed. Freedom is restricted in the name of democracy and the defense of human rights. Last Wednesday January 5, 2005, the US State Department issued its first controversial Report on Global Anti-Semitism. The report condemns many...
A Coptic Egyptian citizen sent the American President, George Bush, a letter. He asked Bush to make his era one of justice and peace. He wrote that Copts are living in peace in the era of President Mubarak and refused the guardianship of the Congress’ committee of freedoms. He asked Bush to help...


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