Displaying 11 - 15 of 15.
Coptic Orthodox Church member and businessman Kamāl Zākhir Mūsá speaks out about internal problems in the Egyptian Coptic Orthodox Church.
This article explains that the patriarchal chair should only be filled by a qualified person who is elected according to the laws of the church.
Kamāl Zākhir Mousa draws a comparison between the theoretical or historical meaning of the word "Father" in churches and its real meaning nowadays.
An article on “Adam´s sin” by monk Basilios of the Monastery of Makarios caused a conflict in the Orthodox Church. Pope Shenouda himself will investigate monk Basilios. The article is not the only reason behind investigating Basilios. He wrote three books in which he touches upon the relation...
The author comments on the story of the former monk and analyzes the different reactions towards it. He responded to the question whether is it possible for a person who chose the life of monasticism to return back to the world and whether his return was considered a violation of his dedication.


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