Displaying 1 - 10 of 33.
Egyptian authorities released Coptic activist Rāmī Kāmil on Saturday, following the decision of the public prosecution’s office, after enduring more than two years in pretrial detention.
A year has passed since the arrest of Christian activist Rāmī Kāmil, who was detained on November 23, 2019 and is in remand detention under case number 1475 of 2019 with Supreme State Security.
Human rights activist and member of the Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms, Mīnā Thābit, uncovered that the Egyptian national security apparatus demanded a church to remove a marble plaque, commemorating the lives of those lost in front of the Maspero Television building in 2011.  The...
The Maspero Youth Union warned the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) against responding to the wishes of the Islamist groups to unilaterally set up a constituent committee to draft the constitution.
 Al-Watan reported that Coptic activists complained that despite a large turnout to cast their ballots on the second phase of the Constitutional referendum, Egyptian Christians, particularly in Upper Egypt, have been prevented from reaching their polling stations. In Mahallat Dīyāy of al-Dusūq...
Gharīb Abū al-Hassan writes in al-Fath, that the Coptic Church tries “with all her might” to oust the legislative order represented in the elected president Muhammad Mursī. Despite the Church’s approval on most of the Constitution articles, the Church surprised us with its “theatrical” withdrawal...
The funeral of Karīm Jirjis, a Copt who was shot dead when he was in the vicinity of the Presidential Palace, took place on Thursday (Dec. 6) at Virgin Mary and Saint Stephen Church in Shubrā el Khaymah. 
Rūmānī Jād al-Rabb, a Coptic activist and Vice-Chairman of the al-Kalima (Word) for Human Rights, accused officials of “foot-dragging” on bringing to justice the persons involved in the October 9, 2011 clashes outside the state TV & radio building in Maspero, which left more than 20 people...
Representatives of 40 movements and parties and a number of Maspero youths’ families on Sunday (October 7) threatened to “internationalize” the issue of the Maspero protesters killing before the International Criminal Court (ICC) to sue Field Marshal Muhammad Husayn Tantāwī, the former Chairman of...
The Maspero Youths Union announced that a march will be staged on Tuesday (October 9) to pay tribute to the martyrs of the clashes outside the state radio & TV building in Maspero on October 9, 2011, which left 27 protesters dead. 


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