Displaying 1 - 10 of 33.
Two jewelery shops owned by Copts were attacked within 48 hours of each other have broken out worries about possible further attacks in a plot to target Copts.
This article deals with the evidence provided on Paltalk by Nādir Fawzī, the Middle East Christians Association’s president which reveals that ‘Adil Fawzī, the former president of the association’s branch in Egypt, is conspiring against the association.
Almost a year ago, al-Fajr newspaper published an edited photo of the Grand Imām of the Azhar, Shaykh Sayyid Tantāwī, which depicted him wearing the garments of the Catholic Pope and holding his scepter. The grand imām considered the depiction insulting and filed a claim against the newspaper’s...
Head of Al-Kalema Center for Human Rights Mamdūh Nakhlah has joined the defense team of a lawsuit filed by the Middle East Christian Association asking for compensation for victims of al-Kushh clashes in 1998 and 2000.
Drs. Hulsman’s report discusses the state of past and present relations between Muslims and Christians in Egypt. The paper opens by giving information about Pope Shenouda III and the most important incidents that have taken place during his reign. The second half of the paper then looks at specific...
Sharīf ‘Abd Allāh reports on the decision of the North Cairo Primary Court to delay the hearing in the case of compensation for the victims of al-Kushh to January 3, 2008.
The article presents an interview with the director of Egypt’s branch of the Middle East Christians Association [MECA] Dr. ‘Ādil Fawzī, who has been detained for three months on charges of offending Islam and having a gun with no license.
Kamāl Zākhir Mūsá refuses claims being widely promoted in media that Coptic expatriates in West have been consistently conspiring against Egypt’s interests, calling upon Coptic organizations abroad to adopt a developmental agenda inside the country.
The Higher State Prosecution has decided to detain two Coptic members of the Middle East Christian Association [MECA] for 15 days in custody on charges of uploading a fake copy of the Qur’ān on their Web site.
Jamāl al-Bannā, the author, rejects the activities of human rights organizations owned by some expatriate Copts in the West, saying that they seek to exploit the issues of Copts so as to practice a role in politics. al-Bannā calls upon the church to hold an international conference attended by...


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